

Initial Appointment

Your Initial Appointment incorporates an in-depth assessment consisting of a discussion surrounding your current complaint whilst gaining a good history of previous injuries and potential contributing factors. After this, a detailed objective assessment will take place consisting of specific tests and movements that are relevant to the first part of your appointment.

Following this initial assessment your treatment will begin utilising modern practice and techniques, with the overall  aim of reducing or eliminating pain caused by muscles, bones and joints.

A diagnosis will then be given, and a treatment plan created incorporating a home exercise programme to ensure that you are not only rehabilitated in the safest possible way, but also to prevent any recurrence of your current complaint / injury.

Follow Up Appointment

During your Follow Up Physiotherapy appointment, your progress will be monitored, further treatment will take place and a plan will be discussed for either an increase in exercises, a further follow up appointment or you may be discharged. You won’t be discharged until you are confident that you can continue to make progress on your own or you have fully recovered from your injury.