Functional Movement Screening


The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is an innovative system used to evaluate movement pattern quality for clients or athletes. The key to the Functional Movement Screen is that it consists of a series of simple tests with a simple grading system. The FMS is not intended to diagnose orthopaedic problems but rather to demonstrate limitations or asymmetries in healthy individuals with respect to basic movement patterns and eventually correlate them with outcomes.

The test is comprised of seven fundamental movement patterns that require a balance of mobility and stability. These fundamental movement patterns are designed to provide observable performance of basic loco motor, manipulative and stabilising movements. The tests place the individual in extreme positions where weaknesses and imbalances become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility is not utilised. It has been observed that many individuals who perform at very high levels during activities are unable to perform these simple movements.

These individuals should be considered to be utilising compensatory movement patterns during their activities, sacrificing efficient movements for inefficient ones in order to perform at high levels. If these compensations continue, then poor movement patterns will be reinforced leading to poor biomechanics.